Art Gallery Information

Looking at reserving the art gallery? The Alane E. Scher ‘50 Art Gallery can support your CPA exhibition. Complete this form to request the space.  Please also see the gallery rules listed below.

Installation Guidelines

The Gallery is equipped with  GallerySystem rails on all walls. Cables and hooks are provided. Affixing artwork via tape or other temporary adhesive is prohibited. One or two pillars may be available on request. The Gallery does not provide any other materials. You may bring in your own tables, pillars, pedistals, etc if cleared with the college.

Gallery Rules

  • The Art Gallery is for viewing purposes only. No artistic processes (painting, drawing, gluing etc.) will be permitted in the Art Gallery.
  • Any means used to secure art to the walls cannot damage the walls in any way (including remove paint). No permanent modes of securing art to the walls will be allowed. This includes nails, thumbtacks or tape. Wire, for hanging art from the designated hanging sites OR the appropriate hanging materials must be obtained by the student from the Pauli Murray
  • Operations Manager. All items must be returned to the OM after your designated week is over. 
  • You are responsible for any damages to the walls, furniture, or other college property.
  • All artwork must be safely removed by the student on the last day of their exhibition.
  • Please note that the art gallery also serves as the entryway to the Theater and others may be entering the space at any time. Any exhibit openings need to be coordinated with the Pauli Murray Operations Manager.
  • You cannot put any sort of art in the middle of the floor. No egress pathways should ever be blocked.
  • If you plan to have any food in the Art Gallery, please clean up (this includes removing your trash and placing it in the receptacles in the college basement). If you do not, you will incur the additional fees that it costs to have custodial clean the space.
  • The Pauli Murray College Art Gallery currently opens into the basement of our college. Please keep this in mind and do not allow your guests to go into this space. We are a community where safety is our #1 priority.
  • Before your scheduled exhibition, you must pick up a Prox Card from the HOC Office. You can use this card to unlock the space by swiping on the control reader near the door to the back of the room. When the space is unlocked, you are required to be present the entire time.
  • Remember to lock the space when you are not in there by swiping the same card reader. You are responsible for any damages or thefts due to leaving this door unlocked.
  • The Prox Card must be returned to the box outside of the HOC Office in Entryway B as soon as your exhibit is over. Failure to do so will result in a fine to cover the cost of a new Prox card.
  • None of your guests – unless they are Pauli Murray College students should exit the Art Gallery through the basement. All guests must use the entryway exit upstairs. (There are several restrooms and an elevator in the gallery.)
  • You are NOT allowed to prop open any doors or gates in the college.